ANY 35 Graphics per month!
This may include:
- Daily/Weekly Content
- Content flyers
- Story flyer posts
- Feed posts
- Email Campaign (10 can be included in this package)
- Interactive content posts
- Blank Branding Templates
- Announcement posts
- Promotional flyers
- Printable Designs
- Website Banner Updates
- Campaign Flyers
- Seasonal Promotional Designs
• Designs must be requested in advance to when it is needed to give the designer ample time to complete.
• Standard wait time per design for retainer packages is within 1-3 business days depending on the design & workload.
• Designs can be requested in bulk before the start of the subscription.
• Designs will NOT be rolled over to the following month.
• Designs do not include the following: Logo designs, Full Website Devopment, Email Campaign nor Billboard Designs
All payments are non-refundable.
Monthly Retainer: Premium